7 Useful Tips For Cheap Overnight Backpacking Trips

Written by Rick

If you are planning a backpacking trip anytime soon, you are going to want to be sure that you arm yourself with a bunch of tips that will help you have the best possible trip. The truth is, there are great ways to save a lot of money on your journey. In this article, we will be going over some of the top tips for cheap travel as a backpacker.

Tips For Cheap Travel:

1. Hostel

The first thing that you are going to want to do is stay at a hostel. You want to be sure that you look at hostels and do not avoid them because they can be an excellent source of savings. Because hostels are going to offer you dorm room pricing, you are going to be able to experience a lot of savings by staying at one versus a traditional hotel. Also, hostels even offer individual rooms if that is something that you would rather have.

2. Use Your Feet

Use Your FeetBe sure that you are walking when you can walk. While transportation can typically be pretty cheap during backpacking trips, by walking, you are going to be able to save even more money that you can utilize somewhere else.

3. Pack Light

Another thing that you are going to want to do is make sure that you are packing as light as possible. Nothing is worse than having to realize that you overpacked in the middle of a trip. By over packing, you are ultimately just going to cause more of a headache and ‘a backache’ for yourself.

4. Plan Ahead

Another thing that you are going to want to do which a lot of backpackers get wrong is plan ahead. While you do not have to plan everything ahead of time, you are going to want to try to plan some of your travels in advance. That way, you can experience the savings that come with doing so. While you can experience savings by trying to look for deals last minute, they are going to be few and far between.

5. Don’t Be Afraid To Shake Up Your Itinerary

While you should be planning ahead, do not be afraid to shake things up and do something else if an opportunity presents itself. Not only are you likely going to be able to save money by keeping yourself open to changes, but you are likely going to be able to have a much more rewarding time doing so.

6. Utilize Apps

Another important thing that you should be doing when you travel somewhere is trying to utilize traveling applications on your mobile phone. These can be great sources of information that you can effectively utilize to find great deals, find places to go and see, and things to do.

7. Get Local Service

If you are going to be staying at a certain location for more than a couple of weeks, try to get a local sim card. That way, you can save money on your phone costs, and you will be able to utilize the Internet to save extra money on your travels.

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